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Research Projects

Ear Recognition

  • Developed a fully automated ear recognition system based on deep learning
    - full pipeline: data acquisition, ear detection, feature
    and matching (identification/verification)

       - self-attention and margin-based angular loss 

Video Anomaly Detection

  • Developed an algorithm for improving the accuracy of violence detection in public transportation systems

  • Developing an unsupervised/weakly-supervised video anomaly detection algorithm 
    - delving into hard sample mining algorithms for
      contrastive learning to enhance the anomaly
      localization performance in untrimmed videos

  • Developed an anomaly detection program
    - used model (PatchCore, CVPR 2022) provided here 

  • Developing a defect detection algorithm with the industrial image datasets 

Defect Detection

Pet Face Recognition

  • Developed a fully automated deep learning-based pet face recognition system 

  • Applied self-attention mechanism to get a model robust to occlusion

Food Recognition System

  • Developed a real-time food recognition system

  • Applied computer vision techniques such as blob detection, erosion, and dilation for plate detection


KIST-Face Database Construction

  • Participated in constructing a large-scale Korean face database (KFACE database) at KIST

  • Data acquisition, and post-processing such as data cleansing and annotating

KIST-Structured Ear Database Construction

  • Constructed a large-scale ear database based on the KFACE dataset

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